Data Models

By defining some data models, we ease the process of converting Reddit data to Cypher (Neo4j's query language) code.


Nodes are designed to do three things: 1. Get data from Reddit API and store it (Extract) 2. Adjust the data to be compatible with Neo4j (Transform) 3. Generate Cypher code from adjusted data (Load-ish)

In other words, Nodes are our little ETL helpers, helping simplify a relatively complex process.


A degree is a string showing the furthermost you can go when looking at connections of a node.

Node types Subreddit, Submission, Redditor have attributes showing their available degrees.

For instance, a Subreddit node has [submissions, comments, replies] as available degrees. - Submissions: Get the subreddit node, connect it with submissions under it - Comments: Do what the previous degree does + connect submissions to comments under them - This gets all the comments, not just the top comments in comment trees. - Replies: Do what the previous degree does + connect comments to each other by finding which one is a reply to the other

To see how degrees are implemented, see Relationships

Node Types

Major types (Subreddit, Submission, Comment, Redditor) are denoted with a class

Minor types (e.g Redditor has Employee, Suspended) are shown as a list of strings in available_types attribute of each major type.

  • Redditor (Inherits from Node)

    • Available types: Employee, Suspended
    • Available degrees: Submissions, Comments, Replies
    • Properties: "id", "username", "created_utc", "has_verified_email", "employee", "suspended"
      • If suspended: "id", "username", "employee", "suspended"
  • Submission (Inherits from a helper class SubOrComment which inherits from Node)

    • Available types: Archived, Stickied, Locked, Over18
    • Available degrees: Comments, Replies
    • Properties: "id", "created_utc", "title", "text", "archived", "stickied", "locked", "over18"
  • Subreddit (Inherits from Node)

    • Available types: Over18
    • Available degrees: Submissions, Comments, Replies
    • Properties: "id", "created_utc", "name", "over18", "desc"
  • Comment (Inherits from a helper class SubOrComment which inherits from Node)

    • Comments do not have minor types
    • Comments do not have degrees, since there isn't a component smaller than a Comment.
      • Replies to comments are Comment objects too
    • Properties: "id", "created_utc", "text", "is_submitter", "stickied"

Code Sample

from reddit_detective.data_models import Subreddit

sub = Subreddit(api_, "learnpython", limit=100)

# Output
# MERGE (:Subreddit {id: "2r8ot", created_utc: 1254499181.0, name: "learnpython", desc: "..."})
# desc is truncated since the actual desc is too long 

Relationship types

In Neo4j, two nodes can have directed relationships connecting one to the other, allowing us to create a network.

Relationships can also have properties, e.g relationship LIKES might have a boolean property is_crush

Below there are three types of relationships with the types of nodes they connect shown in this format: (Node1 -> Node2)


    • (Redditor -> Subreddit)
    • No properties

    • (Submission -> Subreddit)
    • (Comment -> Submission)
    • (Comment -> Comment)
    • No properties

    • (Redditor -> Submission)
    • (Redditor -> Comment)
    • No properties

For detailed information about relationship types, see Relationships